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This game is so good my balls started to itch

can u add controller support??


The world is your canvas.

So take up your foot... and paint the world RED.


i fucked ur moms balls

this is a fun bullet souls-like. but still i have some recomendations. 1: after an attack unless its fully charged, the cube should instantly be able to move. 2: after you get hit, it shouldn't kill you, it should deplete your combo, then if you get hit without (or low) combo, then you die


i love balls

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Racist Square: The Game.

Racism Aside, You Should Make It So The Square Actually Has A Health Bar So The Game Is Less Difficult.


sudden framedrops and that0’s about it

anyways i’ma go some square kicked my balls

10/10 so much ball kicking just like the title said!!!!

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godot engine crashes when i boot up the game, if anyone finds a solution i'd be grateful

(edit): mk i figured it out, i just ran it on steam and put it so it always enters '--rendering-driver opengl3' when booting up

Maybe download again, force close godot or restart ur pc (not shutdown, restart)

none worked, but thanks anyway

updated it, I now added a shortcut that's able to run the game if your driver is outdated. some parts of the graphics will be kinda messed up tho

i think this game is about kicking balls
dunno tho

you aint gonna kick my balls brah!

wait for a gamejolt release


The title doesn't lie, this game thoroughly kicked my balls.

hope we get dlc for this game called "torsion"

I love kicking peoples balls

10/10 would kick again

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cool game by cool man